Information Technology Services Division - Profile


ITSD Profile

The Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) is a shared-services unit created under the Office of the City Mayor (CMO). ITSD is chartered to provide the city government with a single and centralized group tasked to manage every aspect pertaining to the design, implementation, management, and administration of ICT-related equipment, assets, and facilities. The office was established in December of 2012.

The office has five section services: Administrative, Planning and Training, Network & Technical Support, Software Development and Multimedia and Web. 

ITSD conducted series of ICT-related assessments with the goal of a centralized, secured and manageable system for City Government of Batangas. Majority of the gaps have been resolved including the network systems and system data sharing. Several systems have been deployed and currently being maintained throughout the different offices including the 3 major systems from the City Assessors’ Office, City Treasurer’s Office and Business Permitting. Upcoming system line-ups will include web-based systems to increase scalability and mobility for a more efficient and real-time transactions.

I. Mandate:

Information Technology Services Division is chartered to provide the City Government with a single and centralized group tasked to manage IT systems pertaining to the development, implementation, management and administration of IT equipment and assets.

II. Vision:

A secured, efficient and real-time processing of government services with the use of latest ICT resources for a more productive and advanced economy.

III. Mission:

To manage ICT assets and services with centralized systems for processing and storage of secured information by maintaining a fast and reliable interconnectivity.

IV. Service Pledge:

We commit to:
  1. To recommend the acquisition of spare parts, consumables, tools and equipment related to hardware/software operations and maintenance.
  2. To develop information systems and provide technical support to the Batangas City Government in terms of IT systems and equipment.
  3. To ensure that the data and communications systems within the City Government are secured and protected.

ITSD Org Chart


itsd orgchart

ITSD Citizen's Charter

Service: System Development
Clients: BCG Departments and Divisions
Requirements: System Request Form
Schedule of Availability of Service: Office Hours
Fees: None
Total Processing Time: Varies

How to avail of the service:                                                                                   
AGENCY / LGU Action Office Responsible Location of Office Maximum Duration

Fill in and submit system request form

a. Gathers data
b. Interviews client regarding the requested system
c. Create system flows




2.   Develops requested system ITSD CMO-ITSD Office Varies
3.   Testing of the developed system ITSD CMO-ITSD Office Varies
4.   Deployment of the system ITSD CMO-ITSD Office Varies


Service: Technical Assistance
Clients: BCG Departments and Divisions
Schedule of Availability of Service: Office Hours
Fees: None
Total Processing Time: Varies

How to avail of the service:                                                                                   
AGENCY / LGU Action Office Responsible Location of Office Maximum Duration

Phone call for technical assistance

Proceed to departments/divisions who needs technical assistance




2.  Walk-in for technical assistance Assists client having technical problems ITSD CMO-ITSD Office Varies
3.   Take the necessary action to comply with the client's needs ITSD CMO-ITSD Office Varies
4.  Sign on technical request slip a. Fill in technical request slip
b. Provide copy of technical request slip to client
ITSD CMO-ITSD Office Varies

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