Barangay Conde Labak

Barangay Officials
Vilma F. Asi Punong Barangay
Maria C. Borbon Sang. Barangay Member
Apolonio A. Asi Sang. Barangay Member
Arnold B. Asi Sang. Barangay Member
Lorna D. Asi Sang. Barangay Member
Pedro A. Mandigma Sang. Barangay Member
Nerie B. Asi Sang. Barangay Member
Marcelo A. Doce Sang. Barangay Member
Lope A. Lopez Brgy. Secretary
Roberto A. Asi  Brgy. Treasurer
Juliana Maureen A. Mendoza SK Chairperson 
Cerill John R. Bayer Sang. Kabataan Member
Raina Jasmin M. Asi Sang. Kabataan Member
Jeselle L. Asi Sang. Kabataan Member
John Cedrix A. Ascano Sang. Kabataan Member
Rhealiza R. Ramirez Sang. Kabataan Member
Paul Robert A. Casino Sang. Kabataan Member
James B. Cabanero Sang. Kabataan Member
Rio F. Asi SK Secretary
Jamelle A. Ramirez SK Treasurer


Physical & Demographic Characteristics
Land Area (has) : 360.0214
Projected Population 2022 :
Number of Purok/Sitios : 7
Boundaries : North - Talumpok Kanluran
South - San Miguel
West - Dumuclay
East - Conde Itaas


Other Information
The present official name of the barrio is Conde Labak. Conde is the popular name of the barrio before but during the time when Mr. Perfecto Conde was mayor of Batangas the barrio was divided into two sections, namely, Conde Labak and Conde Itaas, each having it's own barrio lieutenant. This division took place in 1934.
Conde was derived from the Spanish word "Conde" which means Court. Balisong is the only sitio of Conde Labak. The Asis, Lopezes and de Toresess were the original families of Conde Labak.

List of tenientes from the earliest time:
1. Tomas Javier         
2. Julian Lopez        
3. Placido Villarva        
4. Vicente Asi        
5. Juan Doce            
6. Martin Mandigma        
7. Martin Bayer        
8. Tomas Bawa        
9. Francisco Malaluan
10. Roque Serban
11. Francisco Servan
12. Geronimo Delen
13. Simeon Arellano
14. Calixto Doce
15. Leonardo Asi
16. Victor de Torres

During the Spanish time, many houses in Conde Labak were along the road. Many of the houses were transferred to interior place because of the people's fear and hatred for the "Guardia Civil". The latter often visited the barrio and man found idle along the road are gathered and brought to town where they were forced to work without pay.

During the Spanish regime the people were severely punishes when they failed to pay their taxes.

One good influence, however, of the Spanish rule was the religion spread in the country. Catholicism reached even the remote barrios of the town including the barrio of Conde.

The Spaniards did not introduced improvements in the economic life of the people so the inhabitants of this barrio tilled the soil with their antiquated implement but they were able to raise good crops like rice, corn and different kinds of vegetables. Farm animals were likewise raised for home consumption and for the market.
From the year 1898 when the Philippines came under the American rule, the school buildings were built. There were American teachers. The children were given pencils and papers free of charge to encourage them to go to school.

On December 8, 1941, the Japanese attacked our country. Attorney Berberabe was the mayor of our town. Because he does not want to face the Japanese soldiers he fled to one of the barrios of our town.

The next mayor was Mr. Roman L. Perez. As he was a good mixer and the barrio of Conde and nearly all the barrios in Batangas were very peaceful. However, there were guerillas in this barrio during the Japanese occupation. When the Japanese soldiers came to this barrio asking for food, the guerilla intelligences heard that the Japanese soldiers were in Conde so he reported the matter to his Captain. There was an encounter near Mt. Bakis. Some Japanese soldiers were killed.

When the American liberated Batangas, they raided the Japanese soldiers in Conde. Some houses were burned.

Proverbs and Sayings still existing in the barrio:
1. Make hay while the sun shines.
2. A man of words and not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds.
3. Behind the clouds that sun is shining.
4. You can catch more floes with honey than with vinegar.
5. Still water runs deep.
6. Bend the trees while young.
7. Look before you leap.
8. The greatest takers are the east doors.
9. A good name is better than richness.
10. Rome was not built in a day.
11. A tree is known by its fruit.
12. There will be no secret untold or dept unpaid.
13. He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty.