Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs- Profile


I. Mission

“To improve the quality of life of the citizens through sustained efforts to attain a balanced agro-industrial development; to promote a business-friendly environment; to generate more employment opportunities and to adequately provide the basic nfrastructure utilities, facilities and social services necessary for a robust and liveable community.”


II. Vision

A well-diversified agro-industrial center and international gate-way, with a tourist friendly and safe environment and quality infrastructure, powered by a globally-competitive citizenry, and inspired by transparent, firm, and fair leadership.



Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs Organizational Chart



Office of the Senior Citizen Citizen's Charter

Frontline Service: Application for New Senior Citizen ID
Client: Senior Citizens 60 yrs old and above
Requirements: Birth Certificate, Barangay Clearance, 1x1 photo or 2x2 picture, 60 years old
Schedule of Availability: Monday to Friday (8:00am to 5:00pm)
Fees: None
Total Processing Time: 6 Days and 30 Minutes
How to avail of the service:

AGENCY / LGU Action Office Responsible Location of Office Maximum Duration
1 Approach the staff and submit requirements   

Accepts and reviews documents

Provides registration form


Mayor's Office/Office for Senior Citizen affairs

Plaza Mabini

5 minutes
2 Fills up and submit registration form Checks the filled up form OSCA  Plaza Mabini 10 minutes
3 Prepares for the photo shot a. Have the photo taken
b. Prints the ID (Working Days)

Plaza Mabini         

5 minutes
6 days/person
4 Claim the ID on the notified date of release Request the client to sign the logbook for release of ID and booklets for discount on medicines, commodities and free movie   OSCA  Plaza Mabini 10 minutes